
March-April 1999

Current Issue

March-April 1999

Volume: 87 Number: 2

Close bonding between a pet and its owner is one of the rewards of animal domestication. Over the course of a remarkable 40-year experiment in Siberia, such bonds have formed between the experimenters and foxes they have raised in domestic conditions. Results from the experiment launched by the late Russian geneticist Dmitry Belyaev and described by Lyudmila Trut in "Early Canid Domestication: The Farm-Fox Experiment" support Belyaev's hypothesis that behavioral and developmental genetics are closely linked. The cover illustration was painted by Tom Dunne from a photograph taken on the fox farm during the experiment's early years.

In This Issue

  • Astronomy
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Communications
  • Computer
  • Engineering
  • Environment
  • Evolution
  • Mathematics
  • Medicine
  • Physics
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Technology

Walking on Water

Robert Bowen Suter


Fishing spiders move over water in ways that appear perplexing, yet the mechanics of their locomotion yield readily to experimental analysis

Mantle Plumes and Mountains

Gary Oppliger, Andrew Hynes


The progress of southwestern North America across a plume may demonstrate a previously overlooked form of mountain building

The Evolution of Hemoglobin

Ross Hardison

Biology Evolution

Studies of a very ancient protein suggest that changes in gene regulation are an important part of the evolutionary story

The Gestural Origins of Language

Michael C. Corballis


Human language may have evolved from manual gestures, which survive today as a "behavioral fossil" coupled to speech

Scientists' Nightstand