November-December 2015
Volume: 103 Number: 6
"Where the Xingu Bends and Will Soon Break," by Mark Sabaj Pérez
"Restoring Depth to Leonardo's Mona Lisa," by Claus-Christian Carbon and Vera M. Hesslinger
"The Rising Cost of Resources and Global Indicators of Change," by Carey W. King
"In Defense of Pure Mathematics," by Daniel S. Silver
September-October 2015
Volume: 103 Number: 5
"The Most Powerful Movements in Biology," by S.N. Patek
"The Past and Future Space Suit," by David P. Cadogan
"Do Humans Possess a Second Sense of Hearing?" by Neil Todd
"A Protective Cloak Against Earthquakes and Storms," by Gregory J. Gbur
July-August 2015
Volume: 103 Number: 4
"African Names for American Plants," by Tinde R. van Andel
"Shark Trails of the Eastern Pacific," by A. Peter Klimley
"The Voyagers’ Odyssey," by Stamatios M. Krimigis and Robert B. Decker
May-June 2015
Volume: 103 Number: 3
"Modern Lessons from Ancient Food Webs," by Justin D. Yeakel and Jennifer A. Dunne
"The Next Great Exoplanet Hunt,"by Kevin Heng and Joshua Winn
"Taste, Sickness, and Learning," by Terry L. Davidson and Anthony L. Riley
"Fabrication at the Nano Scale with Molds and Imprinting," by Jaslyn B. K. Law
"The Fatigue Conundrum," by Ashley Nunes and Philippe Cabon
March-April 2015
Volume: 103 Number: 2
"How Animals Communicate Via Pheromones," by Tristram D. Wyatt
"Carbon Nanotubes Deliver in Medicine," by Khuloud T. Al-Jamal
"The Origins of Lying and Deception in Everyday Life," by Michael Lewis
"Phytoliths: The Storytelling Stones Inside Plants," by Thomas C. Hart
"What Next for Particle Physics?" by Jon Butterworth
January-February 2015
Volume: 103 Number: 1
"Arsenic, the 'King of Poisons,' in Food and Water," by Andrew Yosim, Kathryn Bailey, and Rebecca C. Fry
"Journey to the Solar System's Third Zone," by S. Alan Stern
"The Acoustic World of Harbor Porpoises," by Magnus Wahlberg, Meike Linnenschmidt, Peter T. Madsen, Danuta M. Wisniewska, and Lee A. Miller
"When the Cause of Stroke is Cryptic," by David M. Kent and David E. Thaler
"Like Holding a Piece of Sky," by Mark Miodownik