
May-June 2004

Current Issue

May-June 2004

Volume: 92 Number: 3

Southeast Asia's Mekong River hosts about a dozen catfish species in the family Pangasiidae. Overfishing threatens some of these species, including the Mekong giant catfish (Pangasianodon gigas), which the World Conservation Union recently ranked as critically endangered. Efforts to save the Mekong giant catfish from extinction include a program to purchase specimens caught live so that they can be returned to the wild. Before their release, the fish are weighed and tagged, which requires that they be temporarily removed from the river and transported short distances. In "The Imperiled Giants of the Mekong," Zeb. S. Hogan and his colleagues describe their attempts to chart the migrations of the Mekong giant catfish and its cousins and to aid in their conservation. (Photograph by Zeb. S. Hogan.)

In This Issue

  • Agriculture
  • Astronomy
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Communications
  • Computer
  • Economics
  • Engineering
  • Environment
  • Evolution
  • Mathematics
  • Medicine
  • Physics
  • Policy
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Technology

The Structure of the Human Brain

John Allen, Joel Bruss, Hanna Damasio

Evolution Psychology Sociology Technology

Precise studies of the size and shape of the brain have yielded fresh insights into neural development, differences between the sexes and human evolution

The Shadow Effect and the Case of Félix Tisserand

William McLaughlin, Sylvia Miller

Astronomy Psychology

The most eminent astronomer who never came to popular attention was lost in the shadow of his countryman, Pierre-Simon Laplace

Leaves, Flowers and Garbage Bags: Making Waves

Eran Sharon, Michael Marder, Harry Swinney

Biology Mathematics Physics

Rippled fractal patterns on thin plastic sheets and biological membranes offer elegant examples of the spontaneous breaking of symmetry

Optically Trapped Fermi Gases

John Edward Thomas, Michael Gehm


A few hundred thousand atoms, chilled to near absolute zero, mimic the physics of other extreme systems, including neutron stars and superconductors

Scientists' Nightstand