Robert Dorit
Robert L. Dorit is an associate professor in the Department of Biological Sciences@Smith College. His work focuses on experimental evolution of molecules and bacteria, and on the design of novel antibiotics. Address: Ford Hall 114, 100 Green Street, Northampton, MA 01063. E-mail: rdorit@smith.edu
Content By Author
- Zika Goes Viral
- Breached Ecological Barriers and the Ebola Outbreak
- The Superorganism Revolution
- Making Life from Scratch
- The Fear of the Known
- Rereading Darwin
- The Humpty-Dumpty Problem
- The Biology of What Is Not There
- The Best Seats in the House
- Winter 1859
- Keyboards, Codes and the Search for Optimality
- Truth and Consequences
- In the Land of Plenty
- Routes of Resistance
- All Things Small and Great
- The AIDS Industry in Africa
- Brave New Worlds
- The Undiscovered Country
- By Any Other Name
- Darwin on Display
- Something Wicked This Way Comes
- The Shape of Plagues to Come
- Degrees Kelvin, Why We Do It and more...
- Rethinking Sex
- "We Murder to Dissect"
- Smallpox, Then and Now
- Defying Genomania