November-December 2005
Volume: 93 Number: 6
"Biofilms," by Joe J. Harrison, Raymond J. Turner, Lyrium L. R. Marques and Howard Ceri
"Imaging Earthlike Exoplanets," by Thomas J. Sherrill
"How Tunas and Lamnid Sharks Swim: An Evolutionary Convergence," by Robert E. Shadwick
"Yawning," by Robert R. Provine
"Ancient Wollemi Pines Resurgent," by Stephan McLoughlin and Vivi Vajda
September-October 2005
Volume: 93 Number: 5
"Fighting Cancer Through the Study of Sarcomas," by Igor Matushansky and Robert Maki
"Detecting Illicit Nuclear Materials," by Richard T. Kouzes
"Cheating Viruses and Game Theory," by Paul E. Turner
"Charting Color from the Eye of the Beholder," by Edward R. Landa and Mark D. Fairchild
"Water Fountains with Special Effects," by Said Shakerin
July-August 2005
Volume: 93 Number: 4
"A New Understanding of Protein Mutation Unfolds," by P. Michael Conn and Jo Ann Janovick
"Climate and the Collapse of Maya Civilization," by Larry C. Peterson and Gerald H. Haug
"Feeling Smart: The Science of Emotional Intelligence," by Daisy Grewal and Peter Salovey
"The Mystery of Masting in Trees," by Walter D. Koenig and Johannes M. H. Knops
"The Collapse of the Kinzua Viaduct," by Thomas Leech
May-June 2005
Volume: 93 Number: 3
"Predicting a Baseball's Path," by A. Terry Bahill, David G. Baldwin and Jayendran Venkateswaran
"The Lion's Mane," by Peyton M. West
"Polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background," by Matthew Hedman
"New Ideas About Old Sharks," by Susan Turner and Randall F. Miller
"Science and Religious Fundamentalism in the 1920s," by Edward B. Davis
March-April 2005
Volume: 93 Number: 2
"The Ecology and Evolution of Hawaiian Spider Communities," by Rosemary Gillespie
"Fuel Efficiency and the Economy," by Roger H. Bezdek and Robert M. Wendling
"Predicting Addiction," by Lisa N. Legrand, William G. Iacono and Matt McGue
"Monitoring Elusive Mammals," by James G. Sanderson, Mogens Trolle
"Physics and Feynman's Diagrams," by David Kaiser
January-February 2005
Volume: 93 Number: 1
"Exercise Controls Gene Expression," by Frank W. Booth and P. Darrell Neufer
"The Star-formation History of the Universe," by Alan Heavens
"The Home of Blue Water Fish," by A. Peter Klimley, John E. Richert and Salvador J. Jorgensen
"Explosives Detection with Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance," by Joel B. Miller and Geoffrey A. Barrall
"Grass-roots Justice in Tanzania," by Brian Paciotti, Craig Hadley, Christopher Holmes and Monique Borgerhoff Mulder