Peggie Hollingsworth
Peggie J. Hollingsworth
Michigan, Sigma Xi President, 1999-2000
A research scientist in the Department of Environmental and Industrial Health@the University of Michigan, Peggie J. Hollingsworth is 1999-2000 president of Sigma Xi. She was Society president-elect last year. A past president of the University of Michigan Chapter, Hollingsworth has served as chair of Sigma Xi's ad hoc and standing Committee on Diversity and as a member of the Board of Directors. She was a North Central Regional Director for six years and served as chair of the Committee on Regions and member of the Executive Committee. She received a B.S. in biology and chemistry from the University of Toledo, an M.A. from Bowling Green State University in molecular biology and a Ph.D. in toxicology from the University of Michigan. The author of numerous articles, book chapters and proceedings abstracts, Hollingsworth is co-editor of a series of Sigma Xi monographs, including Lectures on Science Education (1991-1992), Lectures on Ethics and Science (1992-1993) and Science Education for the 21st Century (1993-1994). She received the 1990 Academic Women's Caucus Sarah Goddard Power Award, given to women who have made outstanding contributions to better the status of women@the University of Michigan, as well as the university's President's Medallion, the University of Michigan Association of Black Professionals and Administrators High Achievement Award, the Alumni Association Special Appreciation Award and the Distinguished Faculty Governance Award.