W. Franklin Gilmore
W. Franklin Gilmore Sigma Xi President, 2002-03 Chancellor, Montana Tech of the University of Montana
W. Franklin Gilmore is chancellor and campus CEO of Montana Tech of the University of Montana. Prior to that, he was the executive vice president and vice president for academic affairs@the West Virginia University Institute of Technology. For 26 years, he was professor, chair and research professor in the department of medicinal chemistry@the University of Mississippi.
A native of Mississippi, Gilmore earned a B.S. in chemistry@Virginia Military Institute and a Ph.D. in organic chemistry@the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. After service in the Army, he spent a postdoctoral year@the Institute of Molecular Biophysics@Florida State University. He also attended law classes@the University of Missouri@Kansas City while working for the Midwest Research Institute.
Gilmore is a charter member of the University of Mississippi Chapter of Sigma Xi and served as chapter president on two occasions. He has served Sigma Xi as a regional director and a director@large and as a member of the Executive, Finance and Awards committees. Gilmore currently serves on the board of directors of the Butte-Silver Bow United Way and the Butte Family YWCA, the Goldwater Scholarship Selection Committee and the NAPLEX Steering Committee of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy.